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1218 West Addison Street  I  Chicago, IL 60613  I  (773) 248-1233

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Wherever you are in your spiritual life,
you are welcome at Holy Trinity.

Our theology reflects the Lutheran emphasis on grace, and the need for continuing reformation of the Church as it seeks ways to speak the gospel powerfully to contemporary culture.

Holy Trinity is vibrant, progressive, and diverse.


Many were raised Lutheran but lots of others were Roman Catholics, other Protestants, or sometimes nothing at all.


many in our congregation are in their 20s and 30s, reflecting our neighborhood. We have a number of people who come to church alone, either because they are single or their partner/spouse does not attend.


We welcome families with young children. In fact, there are more than 70 children under age 10, including many infants. The LBGTQI+ community is well-represented and there are a number of same-gender couples, some with children. 


Our Worship is Ancient and New

We celebrate a multi-sensory liturgy based on ancient patterns and rituals that go back to the early centuries of Christianity. We gather each Sunday to hear the scriptures and wrestle with their meaning for our lives today, and share the sacred meal of bread and wine before departing to serve a world in need.


Though ancient, worship is always fresh and new as the gospel of Christ comes alive for our contemporary context. 


Our services are multisensory. Our liturgies are contemplative. Our worship is user-friendly. Sermons are relevant to contemporary issues and struggles


Open to the Mystery we connect, strengthen and serve with joy.



OUr Mission

Purpose statement

Connect, strengthen, serve with joy


  • Guiding principles

  • Act with courage

  • Be radically inclusive

  • Cultivate empowering relationships

  • Delight in God's beauty

  • Engage with intention

We welcome all without exception. Whoever we are, whatever our religious or spiritual background or how we feel about church, whatever the color of our skin, our sexual and gender identities, God welcomes us here. God's acceptance of us all compels us to stand against racism, sexism, heterosexism, xenophobia, classism, ageism, ableism and all forms of hate and prejudice.


Sundays 9:30 am


Saturdays at 5:00 PM (S. Loop)


Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday with gluten-free options


Holy Trinity uses a liturgy based on ancient patterns and rituals: a rich fare for mind, body, and soul. It is ecumenical yet with a distinctive Lutheran flavor, infused with inclusive language and images for God.


We're formal and informal. Most folks dress casually yet our liturgy involves robes and processions. There is a sense of tradition, yet blended with warmth, relevance and openness.


Holy Trinity has a strong connection with the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago and each year we have one or more seminarians as part of the ministry team.


Our Ministries include:


Children, Youth & Families




Service Opportunities


Prison Book Ministry


Spiritual Life Center (counseling and spiritual direction)


  • Life Together Program
    Life Together is Holy Trinity's discipleship formation process. It's open ended yet structured process is for anyone who; needs a spiritual re-set or not sure what they believe anymore was raised in a conservative denomination and hasn't fully integrated a new kind of faith and practices has felt estranged from organized religion but may be sensing a desire for more depth in their spiritual life would like to learn more about Holy Trinity, Lutheranism, and the ELCA.


We believe that we are called to live our faith in the world as we work for justice and seek the good of all.


Through ONE Northside we address issues such as affordable housing, hate crimes, mental health, youth homelessness and access to health care.


We volunteer at the Lakeview Pantry and the Night Ministry including the Crib Shelter for homeless youth


With the South Loop Campus Ministry we provide weekly meals and hospitality for those experiencing homelessness. 


Our Endowment Fund provides grants to a wide variety of local ministries in Chicago. In addition, we give approximately 10% of our offerings to support ministries through the  Metropolitan Chicago Synod and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

Contact Us

1218 West Addison Street  I  Chicago, IL 60613 

More Information for Visiting Holy Trinity Lutheran

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